Why Scallop

Whether it’s a holiday, milestone, difficult time, or a thoughtful surprise, a well-crafted gift can be remembered for years.

With the utility and ease of a care package, the delight of a luxury gift, and the meaning that only comes from something made by people who deeply care about their craft, Scallop wants to change the way people gift.

About the Founder 

Valerie Trask’s favorite people are entrepreneurs. Scallop is a sort of love letter to the brave and bold people who make new things, care deeply, and form their own revolutions in the form of new products.

Val sees that while gifting can be very special, doing it well is also really time-consuming. In many ways Scallop came to be in spite of, but also because of the challenges of being a toddler mom, juggling family, work, friends, fitness, adulting, and still trying to show up with a great gift. It’s hard!

She also helps bring young entrepreneurs’ ideas into functional ventures by teaching entrepreneurship at the University of Washington Foster School of Business. Each year, her students start real companies and this year she dared herself to launch her own product (Scallop) in the same aggressive 10-week timeline.